Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WHO R U now?

CAUTION-all info contained here in and out-subject to change-

Changing my FACEBOOK profile picture too many times this past week has me wondering just exactly who I am today.
WHO ARE YOU?, yeah the Who and everyone else wonders this from time to time.
I guess it is one of my times for creating a new business card or changing my FB profile picture one more time.

At any given time, it seems that my self-definitions change with the winds, weather, and whatever music is playing at the time. This afternoon lost in a groove with the Dandy Warhols now moving more smoothly to live Dire Straights humping it down to the waterline opening up my six blade knife. And yes I'll take a little water of love (thanks, Mr. Dire Straits)

If you are
what you do
on any given day,
then yesterday
I was
an ancient

brass chandelier,
newly hung

in an Elm tree

out back
up over

Maybe I am a WHITE ALBUM of BLUES playing in my surrounding sound.
AM I today's invisible moon...?
I am learning to fly while watching Mary Jane's last dance on the video machine-o-tronic.
I am the carefully cutout NFL 2010 calendar of games scotch-taped to the wall...I am a big fat roll of Scotch tape and loving it.
Maybe I'm the guy in the Office Space movie mumbling to his neighbor friend, If I had a million dollars, I would do absolutely nothing.

I am my new anti-depressant prescription that finally came in the correct formulaic fiduciary.
Maybe I am new terminologies of my own design...A sailboat coming about; not yet hard to lee-ing.
I could be Tyler Durden's favorite dream.
I am heavily laden and sugarly sweetened with almost 682 'friended friends' and not a one who knows me eggs-zactly.
I am beginning to celebrate that my own brother won't 'friend' me. Could be a blessing in fact.
The loss of all hope is freedom (Tyler Durden)..

I am the finished frame of a Cafe Van Gogh picture puzzle with a ba-zillion teensy pieces waiting to be put together by my puzzle-piecing wheel-chairing partner.

My only constant is change.
I am thankful to not have prostrate problems or brain tumors and very sorry for friends who do.
Glad to have not found my best friend on the floor cold and blue last week like another friend did.

I am the driver of a American car, a Chrysler made in Germany with Bavarian parts; a car named after gunfire-Go Crossfire, Go.

I am the man who says hello to reveered UNM professor Howard McG., as he sprightly strolls into Walmart. I am the man wishing the man happy 90th birthday(!) and thinking to myself he sure doesn't look a day over sixty.

I am the delicious pork product I have simmering in my mother's ancient Dutch oven in our one hundred year old kitchen.
I am the exploding pumpkin patch out back loaded up with chlorophyll-laden bunny poop.
I am a parcel of dreamweaving html code.

Yes, I would wear a shirt that says "I am out of my mind, please leave me a message".
I am one more trip to Wallie World.
God Speed, Capn'

By the way, WHO RU
just now...?

[Photography courtesy Aquila Arts LLC]

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